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Upstream operator: Company whose primary business is producing hydro-carbons and who operates under one or more of the following: Exploration & Production license, Production Sharing Contract, or Farm-out, Lease-out or Incremental Production Sharing contract or a similar legal arrangement. Includes non-resident companies seeking to access exploration acreage or companies producing hydro-carbons under similar legal arrangements in other jurisdictions.
Downstream or midstream operator: Company whose primary business is: Transformation of hydrocarbons into intermediary or refined products, Bulk transportation of crude oil or natural gas, Electricity generation, Large-scale primary industries that use significant volumes of gas or electricity.
Includes companies actively seeking to establish these businesses in T&T and Government owed entities involved in business delopment in this sector.
Energy Service Company or Contractor: Company whose primary businesses if to sell goods or services along the energy value-chain that require energy-sector specific skills, knowledge or capabilities, including the provision of specialist equipment, tools or processes and retailers of fuel to end user customers. The sector includes contractors involved in plant construction or maintenance, consulting engineering firms who primarily sell services to the energy sector and training providers with a specific energy sector technical focus. Individual members with energy sector specific technical expertise are also included in this sector.
Other: All other companies who are members of the Energy Chamber, including consultants, financial service companies, law firms, accountants, generalist training providers, hotels, restaurants, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations. Includes individual members who provide general advisory services.